Friday, June 19, 2015



Checklist completed

Blog Exercise 15– commenting on other blogs

I posted "Hey Matthew! Great work on the blog. I like the personal touches you've made." on Matthew Lund's blog.

Blog Exercise 14 – invite classmates as readers to your blog

I invited Matthew Lund and Michelle Chapman to view my blog

Blog Exercise 14 – invite classmates as readers to your blog.

I have now added classmates so that they are able to see my blog.

Blog Exercise 13– changing the arrangement of your blog

Within the Blogger Template Designer I rearranged the body, footer, sidebar, cross column and main panel layouts.

Blog Exercise 12. – changing the colour/ background of your blog

Using the Blogger template designer, I customised the background of the blog, the colours and font of each kind of text.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Investigative Exercise 11:Recommendations

There are few recommendations that I would make in regards to the web 2.0 services offered by Leichhardt Library. All platforms are updated regularly, particularly the Facebook page which is often updated daily. Leichhardt Library uses a variety of social media platforms, which means a greater number of people can access the libraries Web 2.0 Services. The use of both text giving information, reference links, with images either backing up information, or being used as the focal point allows for effective transferral of information to patrons.  One service I could recommend would be to include a twitter account that patrons are able to tweet or message research queries to, with a librarian, or research librarian if possible, could answer. This would enable the library to reach still more people via web 2.0.

2. Three examples of Libraries that effectively utilise Social Media are The National Library of Australia, Library of Congress and New York Public Library.

Library of Congress Social Media blog and Twitter account
National Library of Australia Social Media policy, and blog 
Connect with New York Public Library page and twitter

I would recommend that Leichhardt Library post simple online tutorials for using their Local Studies as well as Reference online material, as many of the people interested in the subject matter may be seniors, who may not understand how to access the information. Another recommendation would be that for the Reference area, there is an email or twitter access point, where people looking for information can speak to a librarian, or research librarian if possible.
I would also recommend that for the children's category, the library looks into vlogging story-time, so that children who may not be capable or able of being physically present are able to be included.    

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Investigative Exercise 10: Evaluation 

1. Write a substantial post about the use of 2.0 technologies in your individual library service of your LGA. 
Leichhardt Library has embraced the opportunities that Web 2.0 offers libraries today, and publish content on a variety of different social media platforms. This allows the library to cover as many bases as possible, and give people information in a way which is convenient and can help to personalise the library's services for them.
Leichhardt publishes content on the following social media platforms:

Facebook, on which pictures, text and links are posted, including topics such as the services the library provides, history, art, facts and general knowledge, movies, book and publisher news, as well as locality specific information and services. This allows patrons to see whatever content the library posts in their Facebook feed, which is very beneficial because of the popularity of Facebook, and the amount of time a great number of the population spend on it daily.
Leichhardt Library have a blog on which information regarding local history is posted called Local Notes. This includes things such as oral history, pictures, city section maps for the local area, WW I&II memorials,  directories.

Pinterest, Leichhardt have a board on which images and links of pictures relating to books, reading and research, graphic novels and local history are posted.  

 2. Discuss what is available in any  three  of the following library service areas:
There is a great deal of information available for local studies and Information and reference via the Leichhardt Library's web 2.0 services. The most specific source for both, is the Local Notes blog, mentioned above. This contains pictures of local areas and how they have changed, pictures of local businesses, accounts of years gone by, old maps of local areas, Memorials for soldiers from the local area who served in the First and Second World Wars are provided in a separate blog, called Leichhardt 500. There is also local knowledge, general research information and pictures posted on the Library's Pinterest board.

Leichhardt library also has a blog for parents of babies and young children, including anecdotes, information on things such as children's storytime, reading lists, as well as songs and rhymes for children.

Investigative Exercise 9: Community Profiles

I live in the council are of Leichhardt.
Leichhardt is a suburb in Sydney's Inner West. It is located 5km 
west of the CBD. Leichhardt is known as "little Italy", but changing area demographics has resulted in a much lower Italian population over the last few years.
Leichhardt's library is located in the Italian Forum, which is a developed area that never reached it's intended potential, as rent prices for stores were expensive as a result of the high cost of construction.

Leichhardt Town Hall

Investigative Exercise 8. - CURRENT AWARENESS POST

The first video is a TED talk about web companies tailoring online content to personal tastes, and influencing the results of news and search results. The inadvertent result of this is users becoming enclosed within in a "filter bubble and don't get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview." Eli Pariser puts forward the point that "this will ultimately prove to be bad for us and bad for democracy", and delves into the need for a updated equivalent of journalistic integrity for the technological age.

Investigative Exercise 7 Podcasts

The Search for R. H. Mathews, an Australian anthropologist

State Library of NSW
This podcast shows how Mitchell Library's old card cataloguing system, which had hundreds of R.H Mathews' publications indexed, resulted in a biographical exploration of his life and the world around him.

Investigative Exercise 6. Social Bookmarking

Some of the reader reviews have content that is helpful, and to the point, while other reviews are filled out with information that may not be as useful to readers, including personal opinions. The nature of these reviews is so that it is not necessary for library staff to read and review titles. This means that there may be much more content reviewed, but does meant that reviews may not have the same criteria and guidelines that they would were they written by staff. 

I think that this is a useful service for libraries to provide, but I think it should be necessary for staff to approve reviews, to moderate posts, and ensure no offensive content is posted.

My local library, Leichhardt, only has staff reviews available on the library catalogue

Investigative Exercise 5 Social Networking

I think that libraries should participate in social media, because it allows libraries to engage with people who aren't present in the physical library building to an extent not previously possible. Libraries can use social media to reach and communicate with people effectively, as social media plays an increasingly noticeable role in the lives of people in the 21st Century. The use of social media by libraries, can help to cement the notion of libraries as connecting points to digital resources, and is therefore important for the library of the future 
Exercise: Investigative Exercise 4 Youtube

Nancy Pearl on the value of libraries, through her own  life experiences. "When you walk into (a library), you're the equal of anybody else and your options are unlimited."

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Investigative Exercise 3. Photo sharing and Flickr

The image attached has been uploaded to Flickr by The British Library. It is a drawing titled "The Edison multipolar Dynamo" taken from page 198 of 'The United States of America. A study of the American Commonwealth, its natural resources, people, industries, manufactures, commerce, and its work in literature, science, education and self-government. Dynamos were the first electrical generators to generate and deliver power for industrial use.

Investigative Exercise 2: Blogs

SLNSW eRecords Project: Journey’s end This post is the final post of The State Library of NSW eRecords blog. This blog has detailed the project's task of making the State Library's collection catalogues digitally available. This has included the creation of 1.3 million records, and applying half a million bar-codes to books. The result of this project is vastly improved and efficient access to the Library's massive collection, for both staff and clients. This is something that is both incredibly interesting, and important, as it is a meeting place between the worlds of analogue and digital research and information, and has greatly increased the library's current and future prospects in the digital age.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Investigative Exercise 1: Library 2.0

Web 2.0 refers to online websites, networks and applications that allows users to create and edit content. Web 2.0 is sometimes referred to as Social Media, or Library 2.0, and can take many different forms, but the main concept is that users provide the content. An example of a Web 2.0 platform is Facebook, which allows users to upload content such as text, links, images and videos, and comment on content uploaded by others. Libraries commonly use social media sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter to reach new and existing clients more effectively.